Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Welcome to Joe's Time Travel Adventures

Is time travel really possible for VBS?

YES!  With a little work, planning and some imagination, you can take your children  to four different locations in ancient biblical history so they can to experience first hand the Gospel as it unfolds through biblical history.  Of course you'll need  to build a Time Portal.

Wow.  Where can we go?

On day 1travel to Noah’s hometown where he is building the ark and see first hand how bad it was, and why God had to wash  it all away all.  It smells bad, the snacks are bad, and the people are truly horrible and not bearing God's image at all.  But thankfully, God promised to fix this sin problem so He never needs to bring a flood again.  We need God's help and God's rules!
 On day 2, travel to Old Testament Jerusalem before Jesus lived.  God chose Abraham to father this great nation, and God provided the Law and rules so that people could live as God intends.  And do they ever know how to follow rules, make up more rules, and break existing rules.  They are constantly in trouble with each other and God.  People here need more than God's Law.  They need a new heart in order to follow it!  Thankfully, God has promised a Savior to remove all their punishment and bring new hearts to follow Him.  We need new hearts and to have our punishment taken away!
On day 3, return to Jerusalem, but look at the difference!  Some people seem to have joy, and are free from the yoke the Pharisees and all their rules.  Yet they are kind, and seem to have that new heart!  Jesus has changed everything, yet there are still some who do not believe and really want to hurt the promised Messiah, even talk of killing Him.  Such hope.  What going to happen?
On day 4, travel to ancient Greece, years after Jesus was crucified.   great missionary names Paul is telling everyone about Jesus; how he needed to be crucified to pay the penalty for our rule-breaking and bring new hearts so anyone who wants to turn around and begin to bear God's image like He created us for so long ago.  Christians are spreading the good news about Jesus.
On day 5, travel to a modern mission field where believers are still risking their lives to tell people about Jesus and teach them to follow Him. 
Big celebration party follows.  Invite all the kids back and their families on the last evening to share what we've seen, and looks forward to an even bigger party when Jesus returns and takes us to His wedding feast in heaven.  No more sin at all there.  What a time to look forward to.

Cool.  Time travel.  What else can we do?

Every day we'll teach the children what church is all about... by letting them experience a great church!  We start the day hearing from the Bible about the place we are going to travel.  Someone from that time period will even comes at story-time to tell us about it!   You'll sing songs that reinforce what is being taught learning, pray for each other, and even collect an offering.  Church-time is meaningful and fun.  We also have a snack time where we get to sample food from that time period, game-time where we play games like they played, and of course craft-time.   All these activities designed to reinforce the key lessons each day so we will never forget why mankind is in such need for a Lord and King names Jesus.

Ok.  How do we make this happen?

A good plan, good people, and some time to build a time machine. 
With the Time Travel VBS package, you get detailed planning guide including leadership team requirements and rosters and a VBS planning timeline.  Included are general directions to create a great, church-time for kids, story-time and thematic games, songs and snacks.  Also included are great time portal skits and drawing to help you create a memorable experience.  You also get tour guide (small group leader) training, a fun church announcement skit, a daily group rotation schedule, registration and information forms, and graphics design elements to help you create banners, announcements and invitations.  There is also a preschool option that allows younger kids to enjoy the experience and frees moms with younger kids to help out.
All proceeds will go toward helping churches do great VBSs, for kids and church planting for adults. 

Can a successful VBS be all about the Bible?

Oh yes.  We believe the Bible can be and should be at the center, the beginning, the end, and everywhere in between for a great VBS. 
Click the above tab labeled "flip through the book" to get a better look at Time Travel VBS.

  Time Travel VBS conceived by Pastor Val Bigger, Albuquerque NM.



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